Wednesday, February 10, 2016

It's Been Awhile, Eh?

I last posted in September of last year.  LAST YEAR.  It's 2016 already.  Where did the time go?!

Let's see if we can recap quickly.  November was the boys' birthdays, they had a joint party at one of the pizza party places here.  It was a nice, tiring time.  December was pretty sweet as well.  Spending our first Christmas with Adam was really great.  The kids loved their gifts.  Though it's hard to get through Christmas with one child knowing Santa (SPOILER ALERT!) isn't real, another on the verge of learning and accepting this truth, and another I want to protect from said truth as long as I possibly can.  New Year's was slightly uneventful.  We hung out with mom and dad for a couple hours then went home before the ball dropped.  I had to wake everyone up to kiss them goodnight.  Next year we're going out, dammit!

I recently purchased a Fitbit ChargeHR and am making a point to be healthier all around.  I walk from the bus stop to the school which is a little about 3 miles round trip.  I try and take walks in between classes on the campus.  That's about 2 miles from one end to the other.  I'm drinking more water, making healthier food choices.  It's hard, but I've got goals.  I'm going to be 35 this year and I just want to look the best I've ever looked.

There was an even that happened late January that still baffles me.  I just still do not understand how people can act the way they do and feel zero remorse.  You find out who your friends are.

Now we're in February.  Caleb has been in the hospital since the 4th.  Well...technically it was since the 3rd, but they sent him home not thinking anything was wrong.  Boy were they mistaken.  It was pneumonia and asthma.  Again.  Almost 3 years to the day when he got it last time.  Thankfully, this time we got to stay in our city and that I have awesome parents and an awesome boyfriend.  Everyone took turns staying with him so I could go to school.  He had a ton of visitors while he was here, too.  Today we get to go home.  Insert happy dance here.

Also, today is Ash Wednesday.  The beginning of Lent.  I have given up something I've been trying to quit for forever.  Now God can hold me accountable.  I'm already struggling.  Pray for me.  Also remind me that today I can have absolutely NO meat.  I'm already slipping thinking about what I want for lunch.  Ooops.

Graduation is slated for August 12th.  I've got fingers and toes crossed that I can walk then.  I'll still have to take another class in the fall, but I'll essentially be done.  Woo.  4 years took forever.  FOR.EV.ER.

I've also been knitting again.  I'm branching out with new designs.  It's pretty fun and relaxing regardless of what other people say.  I truly enjoy it. Check out the shop.

Anywho, that's what we've been up to.  Hope you're all well.  I'm going to try and continue to write.